Intro Metalsmithing/Jewelry2018 Fall

Subject Applied Design (ARAD) 3320 Section 01 (CRN: 61017)

This course is an introduction to principle techniques involved in jewelry making and metalsmithing. Students will learn traditional metalsmithing techniques such as base fabrication, forming, cold connections, stone selling, surface and finishing treatments. In addition to a variety of traditional techniques, students will be exposed to historical and contemporary jewelers and metalsmiths throughout the semester. An emphasis will be placed on the students' mastery of creative problem solving, layout and design, and attention to craftmanship in the completion of their projects. The skills acquired in this course will provide the foundation for subsequent ideas and techniques related to the field of metalsmithing and jewelry.
7 seats available (capacity: 16)
Credit Hours

Meeting times and locations

  • Monday, Wednesday 1:40pm - 4:20pm Windgate Art and Design 242(Studio)
    August 20th to December 11th, 2018 (16 weeks)


  • Dory, Ben (Primary)


Art & Design


Arts, Letters, Sciences