1073 Class Search

Bioinformatics Grad Seminar2018 Spring

Subject Bioinformatics (BINF) 7193 Section 01 (CRN: 11616)

Prerequisites: bioinformatics graduate student status or instructor's consent. A survey of scientific and technical topics relevant to bioinformatics. The seminar has two components: attending seminars hosted primarily by BINF PhD students and participating I a presentation workshop where students present seminars on their research interests. A passing grade is required in both components for a passing grade in the course. One credit hour.
26 seats available (capacity: 35)
Credit Hours

Meeting times and locations

  • Friday 3:00pm - 4:00pm (Seminar)
    January 16th to May 8th, 2018 (16 weeks)



Information Science


Donaghey Engr & Info Tech