111d Class Search

Intro To Computer Systems2018 Spring

Subject Systems Engineering (SYEN) 1301 Section 01 (CRN: 11667)

In-depth introduction to the fundamental hardware and software underpinning of computing systems; MOS transistors, logic gates, latches, logic structure, memory, Von Neumann model of execution, organization and architecture of a simple computer; machine language programming, assembly language programming and high level language programming; recursion, pointers, arrays, and elementary data structures. Required for systems engineering majors, but appropriate for any student who wants to learn how computers work. Six hours lab. Requirements: consent of instructor
8 seats available (capacity: 24)
Credit Hours

Meeting times and locations

  • Tuesday, Thursday 1:40pm - 2:55pm Engineering & Information Tech 319(Lecture)
    January 16th to May 8th, 2018 (16 weeks)



Systems Engineering


Donaghey Engr & Info Tech