Academic Literacy2016 Fall

Subject Rhetoric And Writing (RHET) 0321 Section 06 (CRN: 61085)

Practice in academic writing and reading with an emphasis on developing strategies and skills for college success: reading and writing fluency, editing techniques, reading comprehension, and vocabulary development. This fulfills the requirement for developmental reading and writing, but does not fulfill a core curriculum requirement. Institutional credit only; final grades are A, B, C, or No Credit. This is combined lecture/lab course. Three credit hours.
0 seats available (capacity: 0)
Credit Hours

Meeting times and locations

  • Monday, Wednesday 1:40pm - 2:55pm Speech Communication 213(Lecture)
    August 17th to December 13th, 2016 (17 weeks)


Not yet assigned


Rhetoric and Writing


Social Sciences & Comm