108d Class Search

Family Communication2016 First 8 Weeks

Subject Speech Communication (SPCH) 4323 Section 9U1 (CRN: 63495)

Prerequisities: SPCH 1300. Examination of long-term relationships within a family context from a speech communication perspective, primarily examining bheaviors that occur in a functional family. Topics include family rules and roles, conflict styles, power, and decision-making. Focus is on using major family communication theories and concepts to help the student analyze the communication system of a family and identify communication patterns, problems, and dilemmas in the families. Three credit hours.
0 seats available (capacity: 8)
Credit Hours

Meeting times and locations

  • Lecture (time to be announced)
    August 17th to October 12th, 2016 (8 weeks)



Speech Communication


Social Sciences & Comm